Teacher opens gym doors for kids to train Jiu-Jitsu for free in Bahia

Teacher opens gym doors for kids to train Jiu-Jitsu for free in Bahia

Defined as a champion of solidarity and popularly referred to as “Indian”, Wévson Militão is a teacher of Jiu-Jitsu classes at Oca Dojo Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, in Salvador, Bahia. In parallel to his business life, Indian decided to provide an opportunity to change the paths of children through our beloved sport. Little ones who can’t afford the gym in the streets of Brazil have free access to train in his gym for free.

“I started thinking about developing the project when I realized the need for the community to have an alternative to divert attention from drugs and bad company,” explains Wévson, before revealing the powers that the sport can bring.

“I didn’t call this a project. I pursued the gentle art seeking to include children who are unable to afford a Jiu-Jitsu academy. With Jiu-Jitsu, these children develop discipline, respect and companionship. The biggest lesson I can pass on to my students is that we never know everything and live to learn from each other. In my view, sport can change the life of a child or teenager because it works on emotional balance, posture and rules. Our art develops our physical side and strengthens us psychologically. ”

The attitude of the teacher from Bahia has generated fruit as sporting entrepreneurs have seen an opportunity to support and invest. Braus Fight, through its Rolling for a Reason program, has made several donations of kimonos and alike to the kids at the gym. It was a great incentive, as the Indian says.
“Kimono donation was very important, as well as encouraging children to train more and more. Some students can’t afford to buy a gi and their uniforms, but Braus was able to make it possible for people to be on the mat” he says.

People like Wévson and his relentless, selfless vision are what this world needs more of. It’s an honor to have him in the sporting community as a mentor to gym owners and business people everywhere. OSS

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